The mysterious creator of bitcoin nominated for the Nobel Prize in Economics

Bitcoin , Noble, Satoshi

An American professor of finance wants to distinguish the famous digital currency although nothing is known about its creator.

It is as volatile as the currency in which it would be the inventor. The anonymous creator of Bitcoin was nominated for the next Nobel Prize in Economics at the initiative of Bhagwan Chowdhry, a finance professor at the University of California.

In the American version of the Huffington Post, the professor explained that he wants and pay tribute to an outstanding invention of the 21st century, "When I was asked to nominate candidates for the prize, several names immediately came to me at the mind, then I looked to see who was the inventor who really influenced the 21st century. The name of the inventor of Bitcoin appeared and I could not rid myself: Satoshi Nakamoto. "

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?
In the brief history of Bitcoin, several hypotheses remain as to the identity of its founder: the NSA, Google, hackers, cryptographer ... until the appearance of a name confirmed by Newsweek magazine in 2014: Satoshi Nakamoto, a Japanese naturalized US 65, graduated from Polytechnic State University in California. The very discreet man published in 2008 article founder of digital currency under the title "Open Source". It would also be the largest fortune in digital currency in the world: 400 million virtual coins.

But Nakamoto has always refused to expose themselves. In the Newsweek article, man defends himself: "I am not involved in it and I can not discuss it. It is now in the hands of other people, are in charge now. " But there is another hypothesis: Nakamoto would hide behind Nick Szabo, a developer who has worked on the creation of digital money before 2008 - the Bitcoin was created in 2009. The latter has always denied.

Nobel rules violation

Whatever it is done discrete, the creator of Bitcoin has proven that it was "possible to create a reliable digital currency" says Bhagwan Chowdry. Electronic money is outside of any state field, is easy to use, but divided because of its volatility and security concerns of its trading platforms.

However, by publicly naming the creator of Bitcoin as a possible Nobel Prize in Economics, Bhagwan Chowdry may have violated the official rules of the prize, says Business Insider. The professor is indeed revealed as a member of the jury, a forbidden initiative as summarized on the prestigious site "named names and other information regarding appointments can not be revealed before age 50."

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