new application for smart phones pay you a bitcoin for just walking

If you need a good reason or incentive for the advancement of the couch and start walking, why not do it for the money? This is the case with this tempting offer, which offer you this new and promising application using your smart phone.

bitwalking, new application for smart phones pay you a bitcoin for just walking

"bitwalking" is a new application pay you in exchange for steps that pays you and operated by coin (Bitcoin). Is set up and generate one dollar "bitwalking" ($ BW 1) 10,000 for each step you take .this Idea of course, is to encourage exercise and also try to reduce the amount of cars on the roads and reduce pollution.

bitwalking, new application for smart phones pay you a bitcoin for just walking

The application is available on Android as well as "IOS" system features a smart algorithm, you can not be deceived and to identify and detect any fraud attempt to increase the steps.

Tags: Android , IOS, Bitcoin , bitwalking

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